3D.aero GmbH

Number of employees



Hamburg, Germany

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3D.aero - The solution provider for intelligent automation systems.

We are an innovative Tech-Company from Hamburg that provides advanced sensor and automation solutions in the aviation and paint application sector. Ranging from large component position detection to high precision surface inspection in µm resolution, we consistently improve production processes in the industry.

In our solutions we combine new types of sensor technologies with innovative data processing and robot technology. The resulting, customized solution ensures quality assurance with high reliability, accuracy and productivity.

Our precise 3D sensor systems together with our automation software and customer orientation optimizes productivity, efficiency and reliability for each customer!

Meet us

Tomas Domaschke

Founder & Product Expert WLI


Tomas Domaschke

Michael Ernst

Founder & Sales Director


Michael Ernst

Products at 3D.aero GmbH

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